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Click here to read the notes and questions for Revelation 6:9-17.
Main Idea: Jesus is the sacrificial Lamb who will shepherd the nations and be worshipped by all the peoples of the world.
Revelation 7 is an “interlude” between the sixth and seventh seals. It consists of two visions (vv. 1–8 and 9–17), and it provides an answer to the question that concludes chapter 6: “Who can stand” in the day of the Lamb’s wrath?
The answer: Those who have “the seal of the living God” (7:2). New Testament scholar Robert Mounce says: “The vision contrasts the security and blessedness that await the faithful with the panic of a pagan world fleeing from judgment.”
Revelation 7:1-8
In chapter 6, the Lamb breaks six of the seven seals, we are introduced to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, massive destruction sweeps across the earth (6:1–8), martyred saints in heaven cry for justice (6:9–12), and those on the earth seek to hide from the Lord. It appears no one will survive, much less stand against the righteous wrath of God.
But then we see two truths emerge: In wrath the Lord shows mercy — and the Lord keeps his promise.
In 7:2, John sees “another angel.” This angel is not a messenger of destruction and death but one of grace and mercy. He has with him “the seal of the living God” (7:2) — a seal with which he will mark “the slaves of our God on their foreheads.” This sealing is a promise of divine possession and protection.
The 144,000
The identity of the 144,000 is controversial. I’ll list some of the common arguments without taking sides, although the main argument is between Nos. 3 and 4.
144,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses who will reign in heaven.
Selected Sabbatarians who honor and worship on the seventh day of the week.
The church as the “new Israel” and thus the redeemed of all the ages symbolically represented.
Jewish believers who are saved and sealed for service during what John calls “the great tribulation” (7:14) and “the great day of their wrath” (6:17).
Devout Christians can argue about this passage, but we can’t miss the fact that the focus of this text is the worship of the Lamb who will shepherd all nations. Jew and Gentile alike will be gathered around the throne and the Lamb in heaven (7:9).
I found this short video from Pastor Chad Bird to be enlightening about the 144,000.
Revelation 7:14
What a striking piece of scripture! The Lamb took our filthy, soiled, ugly garments of sin and plunged them into His red, pure blood (His death) — and miraculously and supernaturally they come out white, pure, clean.
Revelation 7:17
In chapter 5 we saw a Lamb who is also a Lion. Now we see a Lamb who is also a Shepherd. He is like the Lord our Shepherd in Psalm 23 who “will guide them to springs of living waters.” He is the Good Shepherd of John 10 who “will wipe away every tear from their eyes.”
What thoughts do you have about the “seal of the living God” in vv. 2-3?
What thoughts do you have about the 144,000?
How might the vision of Revelation 7:9 inform and shape our missionary efforts?
Why do you think some think of heaven as a boring and monotonous place? How do these verses provide an alternative picture?
In these verses the Lord provides for His people’s every need and counteracts their greatest threats (see 7:16). How have you seen the Lord provide for your needs, and what threats do you long to see Him address?
The multitude is seen praising God despite the tribulations they have faced (verse 14). How can this passage encourage us to maintain our faith and continue praising God during our own trials and tribulations?